
n. The engine that keeps the wheels of progress turning ... backwards.


n. An organizational structure having the primary objective of perpetuating itself.


n. The application of order to prevent active chaos, resulting in inactive chaos.


Cynical Quotations

If you're going to sin, sin against God, not the bureaucracy. God will forgive you but the bureaucracy won't.

— Admiral Hyman Rickover


We can lick gravity, but sometimes the paperwork is overwhelming.

— Wernher von Braun


The only thing that saves us from the bureaucracy is inefficiency. An efficient bureaucracy is the greatest threat to liberty.

— Eugene McCarthy


Any sufficiently advanced bureaucracy is indistinguishable from molasses.

— Unknown


Bureaucracies are implemented to prevent people from doing stupid things. A side effect is that they also keep people from doing smart things.

— Guy Smith
